By robbmlewis |

We are delighted to offer up our Lughnassadh 2022 ritual. If you are local to the Albany area, it is being held in person. If you are not, the ritual is here so you may take it, adapt it to your needs, and run it on your own.

Lughnassadh Ritual:

Leaving of the Ego

Upon entering this space, we are all equals. Please leave your ego behind and outside of this space as we join together in fellowship.

Opening Meditation

As we gather together, let us ground ourselves in the earth, and seek our centers.

Close your eyes and open your spirits.

Draw your focus inward. Breathe slowly and deeply. Turn aside all distractions.

Be aware of your body, of your breath, of your heart beating in your chest. With each breath, relax your body. Make yourself comfortable. Move and adjust your body as needed to feel balanced and at ease. Release the tension in your head, your neck. Relax your shoulders, your arms. Let your stomach soften and relax. Adjust your position until your spine feels comfortably aligned. Release the tension in your hips, relax your legs, your feet. Feel any aches and pains fade away. Be at ease.

Be aware of your spirit, your inner self. Observe your thoughts, your feelings. Let them wash over you, through you. Let them settle as you continue to breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath, set aside the many worries and cares that fill your mind. Focus on the calm and peace of this moment. Feel safe and protected.

Be aware of the earth beneath you. Feel yourself anchored firmly to the earth, to the planet that supports you, in body and spirit. Focus on your connection to the earth. Feel the tug of gravity, drawing you close, binding you to the earth. Be aware of the substance of the planet – the soil and water and air that comprise our world. Be aware of these elements within yourself: the earth that makes up your flesh, the water that flows in your blood, the breath that fills your lungs. Feel the magic of that connection – the power that links you to the larger whole.

Be aware of the spirits around you. Feel your connection to the other beings that support you, in body and spirit.

Be aware of the web of life that surrounds you: the beings that inhabit this world with you. Feel your connection to the plants and animals and others that you depend on for life – for food, for shelter, for the very air you breathe. They are a part of you. You are a part of them. Feel the magic of that connection – the power that intertwines your life with the greater web of all life.

Be aware of your ancestors, of their role in shaping who you are. Feel their presence in your life – their history and teachings living on in your memory, their legacy moving forward through your words and deeds. They are a part of you. You are a part of them. Feel the magic of that connection – the power that connects you to the past, to your own history and the history of all humanity.Be aware of the deities, of their role in the shaping of the world and civilization. Feel their presence in your life – their guidance and support and power. They call to you and invite you to learn from them. They gain power from your love, and in turn, they grant you the power to shape the world through your words and deeds. They are a part of you, and you are a part of them. Feel the magic of that connection – the power to create something new and wonderful.

Be aware of the others gathered here in spirit if not in flesh. Feel their presence in this sacred space. They are here in common purpose with you, to celebrate and strengthen their connection to the earth, to the spirits of land, to the ancestors, the deities, and to one another.

As we gather in common purpose, let us do so with full awareness of the connections we share and the power it grants us.

As you breathe, deeply and slowly, focus once again on this place, this moment, where we come together in fellowship and worship, and when you are ready, open your eyes.

Honoring the Earth Mother

As we gather here in this place, we honor the Earth we stand upon. We call to the Earth Mother who surrounds and supports us. We call to the Earth Mother who feeds and nourishes us. We call to the Earth Mother who shelters us and gives us a home. Without you, Earth Mother, we would not be here. Without you, we would not survive.

Without you, we would not be. We honor you. We love you. We respect you. We strive to keep you healthy. We now give to you these offerings as a token of our appreciation.

Earth Mother, accept our offerings!

Statement of Purpose

Today we gather to celebrate Lughnasadh, the First Harvest. The power of the Sun quickens the Earth and bringing forth her abundance. This is a moment of joy, a time to pause in our labors, to savor the many gifts of the Earth, and give thanks.

Today we honor Lugh, the Master of All Skills, and his foster mother, Tailtiu. Today is the day for the games in honor of his foster mother. Lugh is the god of many gifts, whose skills include warcraft and statecraft, science and art. His example challenges us to develop our own varied skills and to embrace the full breadth of who we are and what we can do.

His foster mother is the goddess who cleared the plains of Ireland to make way for the people to plant and raise crops. She died of exhaustion in the process, serving the people to her last breath. Her example prompts us to give honor to all who serve the greater good, and most especially those who give their lives in such service.

The wheel of the year turns again, and we mark this moment with memory and honor, with praise and thanksgiving, and with rest and celebration.

Recreate the Sacred Center

As we stand here in our circle, we see the hallows in the center as our sacred center, each with its role in the cosmos.

We first have the well, our connection to the underworlds. This is our pathway to the realms of the Ancestors and all that are found in those realms. We offer this silver to the well to connect it to all the other wells in the world. As we offer this silver, our well becomes all wells, becomes the well.

Next, we have the fire, our connection to the upperworlds. This is our pathway to the realms of the Deities, and all that are found in those realms. We offer this incense to the fire to connect it to all the other fires in the world. As we offer this incense, our fire becomes all fires, becomes the fire.

Finally, we have the tree, our pathway between all the worlds. This is how we travel through all the realms, to the Deities, to the Ancestors, and to all those beings found beyond our own realm. We connect this tree to the well with the waters of the well. We connect this tree to the fire with the smoke of the fire. As we make these offerings, our tree becomes our path, from which we may travel all paths.


We call to all of you who do not stand with us for the purpose of this rite. We call to all of you who only wish to cause harm. We call to all of you who are beyond our light. We call to you, and we recognize you. We ask that you do not disturb us as we do our work, and make you this bargain: If you leave us peace, we will in turn make you an offering of this beer when our rites are over.


As we gather here, let us focus on our ritual purity and cleanse and purify ourselves. Water to wash away mundane cares and thoughts, incense to focus your awareness on the sacred. As we make these symbolic preparations, our circle become cleaner and more focused, until we are all here as one.

Call to the Ancestors

Ancestors! We call on all those who have come before us. We call to our relatives, those that have passed throughout the years. We call to our chosen family, the mentors and heroes who walked the path before us. We call to all those whose bones rest within the earth beneath us, those who dwelled upon this land long before us. We call to all of you and ask that you join us by our fire. Ancestors, accept our offerings!

Call to the Land Spirits

Land Spirits! We call to all the spirits of the land around us. We call to all the animals that surround us each and every day. We call to all the plants that grow around use each and every day. We call to all the unseen spirits that live among us each and every day. We call to all of you and ask that you join us by our fire. Land Spirits, accept our offerings.

Call to the Deities

Deities! We call to all the gods and goddesses who watch over us and guide us in our daily lives. We call to our matrons and patrons, the deities we work with on a personal level. We call to the deities of this place, you who we work with while in this place. We call to the unknown deities that watch over us who we seek to discover. We call to all of you and ask that you join us by our fire. Deities, accept our offerings!

Call to the Honored Beings


We call to Lugh, the summer king, the champion of the folk, god of honor and skill. We honor you, Lugh, and welcome you to our fire.

You are the god of all skills. Warrior and smith, physician and bard, carpenter and magician, you wear the mantle of all. No craft is beyond your accomplishment, no task unfit for your gifts. As we undertake the labors of the harvest and rejoice in the bounty of the Earth Mother, you call upon us to hone our own skills, to master the skills we have been gifted, and to strive to achieve all that we can. You remind us to nurture and strengthen ourselves, body, and spirit, that we may rise to any challenge presented to us.

Lugh, accept our offerings!


We call to Tailtiu, known as flower-faced, foster mother of Lugh. We honor you, Tailtiu, and welcome you to our fire.

You took in Lugh and cared for him as your son. You cleared the plains of Ireland, that the people of that land could raise their crops and feed their people, even as the effort took your last breath. As we undertake the labors of the harvest and rejoice in the bounty of the Earth Mother, you call upon us to remember those who have given their last breath in service to others. You remind us to serve as best we can, to care for those less able than we, and to show gratitude to those who serve us in turn.

Tailtiu, accept our offerings!

Praise Offerings

At this point, anyone that has a desire to make offerings to any of the beings we have called to today. Please come forward and make them as you feel called to.

Shared Meal

Behold this loaf of bread. With this loaf, we share a meal with Lugh, Tailtiu and the spirits. As we tear this loaf in half, one half goes to them and the other will be shared between us.

Blessing of the Waters

We have made our offerings to all of the spirits. We have honored Lugh and Talitu and called to them to celebrate the life of this earth as the wheel of the year turns once more. We call to all we have honored today to bless these waters. Fill them with the powers of their blessings in return for our offerings. Spirits, give us the waters!

Behold the blessed waters!

Thanking the Beings

Thanking the Honored Beings


Lugh, we have made offerings to you and you have returned the favor. For all you have done for us, Lugh, we thank you.


Tailtiu, we have made offerings to you and you have returned the favor. For all you have done for us, Tailtiu, we thank you.

Thanking the Deities

Deities! We have made offerings to you and you have returned the favor. For all you have done for us, Deities, we thank you.

Thanking the Land Spirits

Land Spirits! We have made offerings to you and you have returned the favor. For all you have done for us, Land Spirits, we thank you.

Thanking the Ancestors

Ancestors! We have made offerings to you and you have returned the favor. For all you have done for us, Ancestors, we thank you.

Acknowledging the Outsiders

Outsiders! We asked you at the start of the rite that you leave us to work in peace. You have done so. We will honor our end of the bargain and pour you the beer we offered you earlier.

Thanking the Earth Mother

Earth Mother! We have given to you, and we have honored you. You are the reason we are able to survive in this world. For all that you have done for us both today and every day, Earth Mother, we thank you.

Closing Meditation

As we conclude our ritual, let us once again seek our centers and ground ourselves.

With spirits open, close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply. Draw your focus inward. Feel the threads that connect you to the others gathered here today – threads of common purpose and devotion, of fellowship and mutual caring.

Feel the threads that connect you to the deities – threads of power and faith, of wisdom and trust.

Feel the threads that connect you to the ancestors – threads of lineage and history, of lore and memory.

Feel the threads that connect you to the spirits of the land – threads of life and sustenance, of beauty and wonder.

Feel the threads that connect you to the earth – threads of life and sustenance, lineage and history, power and faith, love and existence itself.

As you feel these connections, know them to be ever present. But for now, relax your focus of these bindings. Let your awareness of them soften, but never fade as you go about your daily lives.

As you breathe, deeply and slowly, focus once again on this place, this moment, as we prepare to go forth into the world, and when you are ready, open your eyes.

And so the rite is finished, go now in wisdom and peace.