The Treasurer shall be appointed by the BOD for a term of two (2) years with a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing the finances of the corporation.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping the Corporation's financial records according to generally accepted accounting principles for non-profit corporations.
The Treasurer shall create quarterly financial reports for the BOD.
The Treasurer shall propose budgets to the BOD.
The Treasurer may perform all those duties that would otherwise be performed by a non-profit corporation Treasurer.
We are holding monthly social zooms to allow us all to get together regardless of location. As time goes on, there may be special topics of discussions for specific months.
We are holding monthly social zooms to allow us all to get together regardless of location. As time goes on, there may be special topics of discussions for specific months.
We are holding monthly social zooms to allow us all to get together regardless of location. As time goes on, there may be special topics of discussions for specific months.